It is June 2, today, and May gray has moved on to June gloom! I feel the joy though within, as bright as the sun that is still shining above the clouds. My dear friends, it is just the reversal, the sun being very high in the sky and the gathered clouds hiding it. Consciousness is very deep within us, always shining and bright, our mind and thoughts hide the true joy. The mind body connection is so important to understand, because what ails the mind also ails the body, and vice versa. For this June gloom, and this mind body connection, I have picked excerpts from three of the poems from “Firefly racing with the dolphins”, published by Balboa Press and available as a softcover print on demand, or digital version. Golden Shine, on page 12, is the first in a collection of short poems, and feels this connection between the Golden sun and the Golden shine within.
The green leaves of the palm,
A resplendent golden shine.
My heart sees You in the calm,
This special moment is so divine.
Hello, is the poem on page 17, and was written after a walking meditation practice. I do this every day during walks, and try to bring the mind within, to feel the stillness around and joy within. when repeated over a period of time, in my case a few years, the mind listens mostly. It does jump at any opportunity to thoughts, but over time it gets easier to bring the mind within. Here are a few lines:
Thus, you walk with me, Hello!
In the space between breath
And thought. If mind can be still
while walking. The bright yellow
sky in some areas, blue in others…
The mind body connection is even more pronounced with music. We have all been stopped in our tracks with great and amazing music. “May music envelope me” can be found on page 22 of the book. Music can stir the soul and heal the mind and the body. Music therapy is so often used therapeutically in the alternate ways of healing in many disease conditions. Here are a few lines then:
So let one delve deep into this healing avenue.
Much to learn and practice, this knowledge new.
To make a difference, perhaps in most but a few.
Envelope with music, as nature does with morning dew.